Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Display the Quick Launch in a SharePoint 2007/2010 Web Part /Publishing page

Many thanks to Christophe for a wonderful script to display quick launch in a web part page (original post/source post). I have re-written/adjusted Christophe’s code to work around issues with SharePoint 2010 upgrade. The current code works only in SharePoint 2010. I made some changes to the code to make it workable in SharePoint 2007 and 2010 pages. So, the same code works seamlessly after SharePoint 2010 upgrade. I have also simplified the code to easily understandable and to use across the site collection with some minor tweaks.
Here is the updated code:

Copy the below mentioned code into a notepad and save the file as DisplayQuickLaunch.js file. Upload the JS file your site collection level scripts/documents library.
function DisplayQuickLaunch()
 //Check for SharePoint Version
 var QuickLaunch =""; 
 if (typeof _fV4UI == "undefined") 
  QuickLaunch = "LeftNavigationAreaCell";
  QuickLaunch = "ctl00_PlaceHolderLeftNavBar_QuickLaunchNavigationManager";
 var placeholder = document.getElementById(QuickLaunch);
 var quicklaunchmenu = null;
 var SourcePage = document.getElementById("SourcePage"); 
 try {
       // Firefox, Opera
       {quicklaunchmenu = SourcePage.contentDocument.getElementById(QuickLaunch) ;}
    else if(SourcePage.contentWindow)
       // Internet Explorer
       {quicklaunchmenu = SourcePage.contentWindow.document.getElementById(QuickLaunch) ;}
    else if(SourcePage.document)
       // Others?
       {quicklaunchmenu = SourcePage.document.getElementById(QuickLaunch) ;}
 catch(err) { alert ("Loading failed");}
 placeholder.innerHTML = quicklaunchmenu.innerHTML;
Once you are done with the upload, copy the below mentioned code into to a content editor web part in SharePoint 2007 or HTML Form web part in SharePoint 2010. Make sure to update site URL and JS file path.

<iframe id="SourcePage" onload="DisplayQuickLaunch()" src="http://[Your Site]/default.aspx" style="display: none;"></iframe>

<script src="https//[Your JS file path]/DisplayQuickLaunch.js" type="text/javascript">
Hope this helps.